Backhand Stroke Analysis – NTRP 3.5 players in Kailua-Kona Hawaii

1 00:00:00,000 – 00:00:15,000 The player closer to the camera is standing too upright when waiting for the ball. He should bend his knees more and get lower to the ground.

2 00:00:15,000 – 00:00:30,000 The player further from the camera is hitting the ball too flat. He should try to add more topspin to his shots.

3 00:00:30,000 – 00:00:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not using his non-hitting hand to balance his shots. He should bring his non-hitting hand up to help him stay balanced.

4 00:00:45,000 – 00:01:00,000 The player further from the camera is not following through on his shots. He should make sure to finish his swing all the way through the ball.

5 00:01:00,000 – 00:01:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not moving his feet enough. He should be taking small steps to adjust to the ball.

6 00:01:15,000 – 00:01:30,000 The player further from the camera is hitting the ball too late. He should try to hit the ball earlier, when it is still rising.

7 00:01:30,000 – 00:01:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not getting enough depth on his shots. He should try to hit the ball deeper into the court.

8 00:01:45,000 – 00:02:00,000 The player further from the camera is not using his legs enough to generate power. He should bend his knees more and use his legs to drive through the ball.

9 00:02:00,000 – 00:02:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting the ball with enough pace. He should try to swing faster and hit the ball harder.

10 00:02:15,000 – 00:02:30,000 The player further from the camera is not hitting the ball in the center of the racket. He should focus on making contact with the sweet spot of the racket.

11 00:02:30,000 – 00:02:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not taking advantage of short balls. He should move forward and attack the short ball.

12 00:02:45,000 – 00:03:00,000 The player further from the camera is not changing the direction of his shots. He should try to hit the ball to different parts of the court.

13 00:03:00,000 – 00:03:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not using his body weight to generate power. He should transfer his weight from his back foot to his front foot as he hits the ball.

14 00:03:15,000 – 00:03:30,000 The player further from the camera is not keeping his eye on the ball. He should focus on watching the ball all the way to the racket.

15 00:03:30,000 – 00:03:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting the ball with enough spin. He should try to brush up on the ball to create topspin.

16 00:03:45,000 – 00:04:00,000 The player further from the camera is not using his wrist properly. He should snap his wrist as he hits the ball to generate more power and spin.

17 00:04:00,000 – 00:04:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not recovering quickly enough after his shots. He should get back to the center of the court as soon as possible.

18 00:04:15,000 – 00:04:30,000 The player further from the camera is not anticipating his opponent’s shots. He should try to read his opponent’s body language and predict where the ball is going.

19 00:04:30,000 – 00:04:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting the ball with enough consistency. He should focus on making solid contact with the ball every time.

20 00:04:45,000 – 00:05:00,000 The player further from the camera is not using his serve to his advantage. He should try to hit a variety of serves to keep his opponent off balance.

21 00:05:00,000 – 00:05:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not returning serve effectively. He should try to block the serve back deep into the court.

22 00:05:15,000 – 00:05:30,000 The player further from the camera is not volleying well. He should try to punch the volley and keep it low.

23 00:05:30,000 – 00:05:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not playing aggressively enough. He should try to take control of the point and dictate the pace.

24 00:05:45,000 – 00:06:00,000 The player further from the camera is not playing smart tennis. He should try to think about his shots and make good decisions.

25 00:06:00,000 – 00:06:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not having fun. He should try to relax and enjoy the game.

26 00:06:15,000 – 00:06:30,000 The player further from the camera is not being a good sport. He should be respectful of his opponent and the game.

27 00:06:30,000 – 00:06:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not using his backhand effectively. He should try to hit his backhand with more topspin.

28 00:06:45,000 – 00:07:00,000 The player further from the camera is not moving forward to the net. He should try to finish points at the net.

29 00:07:00,000 – 00:07:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting his overhead with enough power. He should try to hit his overhead with a full swing.

30 00:07:15,000 – 00:07:30,000 The player further from the camera is not hitting his drop shot with enough disguise. He should try to make his drop shot look like a regular shot.

31 00:07:30,000 – 00:07:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting his lob with enough height. He should try to hit his lob high over his opponent’s head.

32 00:07:45,000 – 00:08:00,000 The player further from the camera is not hitting his passing shot with enough accuracy. He should try to hit his passing shot deep and down the line.

33 00:08:00,000 – 00:08:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting his half volley with enough control. He should try to hit his half volley softly and with a short backswing.

34 00:08:15,000 – 00:08:30,000 The player further from the camera is not hitting his slice with enough underspin. He should try to hit his slice with a low to high swing.

35 00:08:30,000 – 00:08:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting his kick serve with enough spin. He should try to hit his kick serve with a high toss and a brushing motion.

36 00:08:45,000 – 00:09:00,000 The player further from the camera is not hitting his flat serve with enough pace. He should try to hit his flat serve with a fast swing and a low toss.

37 00:09:00,000 – 00:09:15,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting his second serve with enough consistency. He should try to hit his second serve with a high percentage of first serves.

38 00:09:15,000 – 00:09:30,000 The player further from the camera is not hitting his approach shot with enough depth. He should try to hit his approach shot deep into the court.

39 00:09:30,000 – 00:09:45,000 The player closer to the camera is not hitting his volley with enough angle. He should try to hit his volley away from his opponent.

40 00:09:45,000 – 00:10:00,000 The player further from the camera is not hitting his overhead with enough consistency. He should try to hit his overhead in the center of the racket.

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